This warm, yet light recipe is great for breakfast time.  This is especially true in the fall months when you may be feeling cold, or suffering from poor digestion.

Because these apples are cooked and made with spices that increase digestion, they are the perfect addition to your diet when you may be feeling heavy or sluggish.  Not only is it satisfying but it’s quite healing as well.

This recipe is tridoshic which means that it is great for all body types to consume.  Of course, you can always adapt it even further to meet your individual needs.

According to Ayurvedic principals; if you suffer from excess gas, your digestion is weak, or you are feeling ill, you will want to peel he skin off of your apples.  If your digestive fire is running high you can reduce the amount of cinnamon and clove.

Not only are these apples delicious, they are also really simple to make.  Try them out and let me know what you think!



3 apples

1 cinnamon stick

4 cloves

½ tsp cardamom

Pinch of nutmeg

Pinch of turmeric

¼ cup water



Chop apples and set them aside

In a saucepan, bring water to a simmer

Add the apples and spices and cook over low heat for about 15 minutes

Remove from heat

Remove the cinnamon stick